Public Health

Portrait of Sonia Chambers

STAR HIE Program Helps Unlock Powerful Public Health Data in West Virginia

Sonia Chambers | November 29, 2022

ONC launched the Strengthening the Technical Advancement and Readiness of Public Health Agencies via Health Information Exchange (STAR HIE) Program in 2020 using funding from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act). The program was expanded in 2021 to increase support for efforts to improve vaccination data sharing between jurisdictional Immunization Information Systems (IIS) and HIEs. The West Virginia Health Information Network (WVHIN) was among the 22 recipients that received a combined $20 million in funds from ONC via the CARES Act.

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Portrait of Ryan Argentieri

ONC and CDC Working Together to Strengthen Public Health Systems, Tools, and Practices that Keep Us Safe

Ryan Argentieri | September 8, 2022

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, public health staff have worked tirelessly to make sense of the extraordinary volumes of data coming at them at different times and in different ways. Because much of this information is unstructured or non-standardized, epidemiologists, scientists, and others must first bring these data into alignment before the real work can begin. The more differences there are in the data, the more painstaking the is work for people on the frontlines trying to put the pieces together fast.

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Portrait of Brett Andriesen

Coming Soon: The 2022 Tech Forum is Around the Corner!

Brett Andriesen | August 22, 2022

Registration is open for the 2022 ONC Tech Forum! This year’s event will be held virtually over three consecutive “Forum Fridays” on September 9, 16 and 23.
Come join us to hear from industry, government leaders, and ONC staff about the progress made over the past year in health IT. We’ll discuss how ONC and stakeholders are working together to meet today’s challenges, while laying the groundwork for a future digital health care system that advances health care delivery,

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Portrait of Chelsea Richwine

Electronic Public Health Reporting among Hospitals & Physicians in the Year Prior to the Pandemic: Implications for Health Equity & Pandemic Response

Chelsea Richwine | August 18, 2022

The pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic revealed gaps in the nation’s public health infrastructure that pose challenges to effective communication between health care providers and public health agencies.  According to ONC analyses of nationally representative survey data from hospitals and physicians collected in 2019, over 70% of hospitals experienced at least one major challenge with electronic public health reporting and less than 1 in 5 primary care physicians—and about a quarter of pediatric and internal medicine primary care physicians—reported electronically exchanging data with public health agencies.

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